Tuesday, August 28, 2012


You need to learn more about juicing before you can make it a part of your daily life. The juicing techniques described in this article will help you to get off to a healthy start. Once you practice these ideas, you will have a lot more fun with juicing.
Juices are healthy, but they are not a replacement for entire meals. A fresh vegetable juice is a great snack alternative, but it has zero protein and very little fat at all. For these reasons, juice can never replace a meal. It does supplement a meal well though, and it's good to drink juice prior to mealtime to limit overindulgence at the dinner table.
A way to improve your health is by adding juicing to your diet. In order to incorporate juicing into your everyday routine, you should consider leaving your juicer on the counter as a constant reminder. By seeing it, you will be reminded of your goal to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet and to make your family's lifestyle that much healthier.
Use a variety of different fruits and vegetables to make a tasty juice that will help fight off constipation. Juicing every day with these ingredients will help keep you regular.
If you suffer from diabetes or hypoglycaemia, stick to juicing only vegetables until you have spoken with your physician. Fruit juices can rapidly raise your blood sugar. You need to monitor the amount of fruit you juice so you can watch your medical needs. Vegetables, on the other hand, are a less risky option and are packed with nourishment.
When juicing, adding pulp back into the juice may be beneficial. Pulp contains natural fibers that your body needs to cleanse the digestive tract, and it also provides extra nutritional value to your juices. Whether you add no pulp, a little pulp, or a lot of pulp is a matter of taste, but do think about the fiber when making your choice.
Keep vegetable and fruit juices separated. Although both veggies and fruit are very good for you, they are broken down differently in the digestive process. It is hard work for your body to extract all the nutrients from fruits and veggies simultaneously, and you won't get as much benefit. Apples are the single exception to this. Since apples are neutral, you can use them with other fruits or with other vegetables to make the juice taste sweeter.
Choose a variety of vegetables to put in your juicer, based on their nutritional value. If their flavor isn't appealing to you, add some other ingredient to improve the flavor. This helps ensure that you get the largest possible variety of important nutrients. Adding apples or lemons to the juice will help to mask undesirable flavors.
When you choose your juicer, be sure that you find one that you can quickly and easily dismantle and clean. If your juicer is time consuming to assemble and clean, you are less likely to use it on a regular basis. Clean the juicer as soon as you are done using it to reduce the time you have spend cleaning.
When you first start a juicing for health regimen, you need to understand the difference between fruits. You may have to use a different juicer to get juice from citrus fruits, such as oranges or mandarins. If you are juicing melons, you should not mix their juice with that of other fruits, as it will taste bad.
When juicing, keep in mind that consuming some juices can impact your teeth. Quite a few different fruit and vegetable juices stain the surface of your teeth. This can happen with juices from things like beets and carrots. If you have teeth that stain easily, brush them after you drink these juices.
The tips that have just been provided to you will get you on the path to properly using juicing. Print this article out and put it in a prominent place so that you are reminded of the tips you learned. By using what you've learned here, you'll be able to make juicing something you can enjoy every day!

NOTE: Please visit our juicing for health website for more tips and information

Monday, August 20, 2012


Almost everyone can remember being told to finish their vegetables at dinner. If the thought of consuming whole fruits sounds unappetizing to you, you'll love the following fruit and vegetable juicing tips.
Are you getting tired of the limited number of smoothing flavors that you know how to make? Head to either a website or an old-style bookstore and either buy or download some nice juicing recipes. It can not only be tedious to drink the same types of juices, but you might not be experiencing the full benefits of juicing by doing so. It's important to mix it up now and again.
Think of your juice as a meal. If you consider the quantity of produce that goes into a single glass of juice, you may see how this can be true. The nutrition will be absorbed by your body quickly if there is no other solid food to interfere.
Keep your juices simple. Just one ingredient is enough for a juice to be healthy. It doesn't need to combine many fruits or vegetables. An ideal combination may be a couple of vegetables, plus a fruit to make the juice sweet. Fruit juice can be made this way too. By sticking to a few choice fruits and vegetables, you will enhance the flavor, and you will more likely to stick to your juicing program.
Every time you use your juicer, rinse and wash it immediately afterwards. You can actually stain your juice jugs, as well as the blades with vegetable and fruit juice.
While you make your juice, you are sure to produce lots of pulp. The amount of pulp depends on the kinds of vegetables or fruit you are using. You can just go ahead and add it later on to your next juicing; this can give you some great fiber that is nutritious the next time you juice.
Juicing should be used as a basis for making healthy diet choices. Juices can form a solid foundation upon which you can build your daily diet.
Green vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli have many, wonderful health benefits. You should aim for juices that are comprised of between 50 and 70 percent greens. The addition of other fruits and veggies is simply to add more flavor. Juice made out of greens is much healthier than fruit juice, which can contain a lot of sugar.
When trying new vegetables, it is important to only try one at a time. If you don't handle a particular ingredient well, you will know what caused it.
When you choose your juicer, be sure that you find one that you can quickly and easily dismantle and clean. Some juicers take over 25 minutes to assemble, disassemble, and clean. Add the time it takes to juice, and you may just want to go buy juice instead. Clean the juicer as soon as you are done using it to reduce the time you have spend cleaning.
Consider using a juicer to produce tasty drinks that contain the vital nutrients you need to maintain your health. Juicing provides you with the energy you need to exercise, and gives you protein that helps to build muscle. Tailor your juices or smoothies to suit your fitness regimen. For example, add more protein if you lift weights or more electrolytes if you're running.
Every lifestyle can benefit from the addition of fresh juice. To remind yourself of the importance of juicing, you should store your juicer in plain sight. If you see it every day, you'll be more likely to keep juicing and stay healthy.
Juicers that feature a masticating option are your best bet. There are a variety of features offered by these juicers, such as grinding and puree functions. Some can even be used to create incredible frozen desserts. Such features add an extra element to the exciting types of juices you can make.
You can't eliminate all pulp from getting into the juice, but using a coffee filter will help. This can prove helpful if the pulp consistency of your juice isn't working for you. In addition to a coffee filter, cheesecloth will serve as a useful filter in this application.
Research and studies have shown that ensuring you eat the daily amounts of fresh produce that are recommended makes you healthier and gives you a better overall well-being. Apply the tips you have just read and start making your own juices. You should soon see a difference.

NOTE: Please visit our juicing for health website for more tips and information

Friday, June 22, 2012


Drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices is a great way to provide your body with all of the nutrients and vitamins it needs. Before beginning a juicing program, you should know the different benefits of different juices. Here are some great tips on juicing for fun and for health.
Don't make your juice too far ahead of when you plan to use it. It is best served immediately after juicing.
It is helpful to store your juicer on the kitchen counter or anywhere in plain sight. You will get more use out of your juicer if you keep it in this location. By having the juicer displayed prominently, you will find it easier to juice every day.
When you are making juice, only use the freshest vegetables and fruit. Produce that has been allowed to over ripen will not produce a lot of juice. Also, be sure to cut out any bruises in produce prior to juicing. This will ensure that the juice you make is high in quality and tastes great.
Avoid constipation by including ingredients that promote regularity naturally: cabbage, grapes, papaya and others, for example. Regular consumption of juices can even overcome chronic constipation.
It is imperative to realize the differences among fruits when juicing. Fruits in the citrus family may require different equipment to effectively produce a drinkable juice. If you are juicing melons, you should not mix their juice with that of other fruits, as it will taste bad.
Do not go overboard in making your juices! Your juice really doesn't need to involve multiple vegetables to be healthy. You can add in a few vegetables that you like with an apple to make it sweet and healthy for you. You can also combine two or three of your favorite fruits into a juice. Using only two or three different vegetables and fruits allows the flavor of every individual one to shine all the more!
You should note that certain juices may alter the color of your teeth. Your teeth may become discolored if you drink certain juices. Both carrot and beet juice are known to stain your teeth. Brush your teeth immediately after consuming juices made with these veggies if you have stain-prone teeth.
Take the entire fruit, including skin or peels and juice it. The skins and peels of fruit are loaded with fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants. The truth is that in items like apples, the peel contains more flavonoids than the actual flesh. The primary exception is for the peels of citrus fruits, like oranges and lemons, which cannot be used in juice. Grapefruit and orange peels are harmful and may have pesticides on them, too.
If you're interesting in creating a lot of fruit juices, you may want to look into purchasing a masticating juicer. These kind of juicers have functions not found in similar juicers, such as grinding, pureeing, and milling. Some even allow you to make delicious desserts. Such options greatly increase the number of juice concoctions you can have in your repertoire.
Are you getting tired of the limited number of smoothing flavors that you know how to make? You can find a lot of juicing recipes in a cookbook at your local bookstore or on the Internet. Drinking the same thing day after day can get tiring, so make sure to mix your recipes up!
For the extra kick of flavor, consider adding a little ginger to your healthy vegetable juice blend. This root imparts a unique, zesty flavor and may mask the taste of bitter vegetables. Additionally, ginger has been proven to prevent atherosclerosis, reduce blood pressure and benefit the cardiovascular system in other ways.
If you are preparing a drink of dark, leafy greens, be sure to add some cucumber. This is because most of the dark greens have a strong, unpleasant taste. If you add in cucumber, you won't just hide the bad taste, but also add a delicious new flavor. Cucumbers are full of nutrients your body needs. Leave them unpeeled for even more healthy benefits.
As stated in this article, your health will benefit greatly from drinking freshly-made vegetable and fruit juice. A strategic and consistent juicing regimen can make you healthier and increase your fitness level.

NOTE: Please visit our juicing for health website for more tips and information

Monday, February 13, 2012


Whether you have tried juicing already or you are looking to get into it, you will find the following article to be helpful. Using this advice will help you make tasty juices from fresh fruits and vegetables.
Add one new vegetable whenever you change up your juicing routine, no more. If you happen to react poorly to the new type of juice or dislike the taste, you will know which vegetable is causing it, and have the ability to remove it from your juice.
Drink your fresh juice slowly and appreciate the subtle nuances. Try to savor the juice with time, and taste all of the flavors. Let saliva mix with your juice in order to begin digestion.
It is wise to juice with masticating juicers. These types of juicers extract the juice in a gentle manner. This gentle juicing method allows for more nutrients, to remain in the juice, that you drink. The juice produced using this method is also more stable for storage.
Remember that when you juice, you also create a lot of pulp. The amount will vary depending on what produce you are juicing. It may be added into the next products that you juice. This will add extra, nutritious, dietary fiber to your next batch of juice.
When you select a juicer, make sure that the one you choose can be quickly and easily dismantled and cleaned. You don't want to waste a lot of time putting together and cleaning a juicer, you want to just get the job done and get to juicing. Make sure that you clean your juicer immediately, before the pulp has had time to dry and harden.
As soon as you finish juicing for the day, you should quickly and thoroughly clean your juicer and all of its parts. Also, some juices can stain the juicing container or blades.
Never use juices as a meal replacement. While drinking a glass of hearty juice is better than snacking, juice does not contain much fat or protein, so it cannot replace a nutritious meal. Juice before eating can help you keep from over-eating at mealtime, though.
It is possible to make a big batch of juice to store in your refrigerator. Nobody wants to drink fruit or vegetable juice that has turned brown or grey. What you can do in order to maintain the bright color is to add around two fresh teaspoons of lemon juice. The lemon can help keep everything fresh, but it will not be able to mitigate the flavor.
If you are juicing apples, find the sweetest, ripest apples possible. If you decide to use bruised apples, be sure to cut the bruises out prior to juicing. Especially good apples for making juice include the Rome, Fuji, Gala, and Red Delicious varieties. These all give a sweet and tasty flavor.
Every lifestyle can benefit from the addition of fresh juice. By leaving your juicing machine out on your kitchen counter, you can incorporate juicing into your daily routine. If you're able to see the machine all the time, you'll be reminded of your commitment to create a more healthy lifestyle for your family.
Be sure to serve your fresh juice the moment it is ready. Ideally, you should serve your juice shortly after you make it.
If you are constipated, create a juice with beetroot, cabbage, fennel, Brussel sprouts, grapes, figs or papaya. Drinking fresh juice on a regular basis will prevent chronic constipation.
Don't juice a vegetable that you would not eat whole. Make juices that taste good to you, and you enjoy drinking. By starting with flavors that you know you enjoy, you will enjoy the juice more!
Juicing provides you with beverages that are easy and nutritious; also they are high in vitamins and full of wonderful, natural tastes. You are able to enjoy these drinks that are homemade at half the cost you end up paying at the store while you choose yourself the same content you crave. Begin your juicing journey on the right foot by applying the tips you have learned here.

NOTE: Please visit our juicing for health website for more tips and information


Juicing is a great way to add a different twist to getting the proper nutrients and enzymes that your body needs. Whether you are a die-hard juicing fanatic or are thinking about purchasing a juicer, keep reading. You will find a variety of ideas and inspiration to help you make the most of juicing.
Find out as much as you can about juicing so you can get really good at it. Find out more about the equipment you will need. Take advantage of written reviews from others who have already tried various mixers or blenders. Choose a quality device that will fit into your budget. Also, make sure it is one that you know you will definitely use when blending juices.
Don't use extremely sweet fruits when juicing. Although they are delicious, their high sugar content can affect your glucose level. Instead, use your favorite ripe vegetables to create a tasty juice. You can add fruits every so often as a special treat, but generally, you should stick to vegetables.
Research has shown that the phytochemicals that are found in vegetables and fruits can help remove harmful carcinogens. Incorporate as many of these foods as you can into your juice recipes.
Juices are not calorie free, but by choosing calorically negative foods, it becomes less of a worry. Some of these items are broccoli, herbs, cabbage and kale. Fruits high in fiber are also a great option since they take a large amount of digestion to properly break down.
If you can put whole fruits into your juicer instead of chopping them up, always remove pits before juicing the fruit. If you don't, you might break your juicer, which means paying a tidy sum to repair or replace it. Core your apples before using them, as their seeds have trace amounts of cyanide.
Listen to your body if it reacts negatively to any of the juice that you drink. You could drink a particular juice that upsets your body. Look at the recipe of any drink that upsets your stomach, and try to figure out which ingredient is the problem. Once you've determined this, use a small amount of the ingredient, and train your body to get used to it.
Plan your juices by color. Fruits and vegetables in brightly colored reds, greens and yellows translate to a variety of healthy vitamins and minerals. These differences offer a well-rounded and balanced nutrition plan, along with a myriad of tastes.
Make sure to drink your beverage as soon as you juice it. If you want to create the best juice for good health, it is vital that you know that nutrients in the juice are lost fast after it is made. The more time you take to drink what you've just juiced, the less nutrients you'll benefit from. Drink your juice as soon as it's created and enjoy the taste and nutrition!
Learn about vegetables and fruits that you can buy. It is easy to overlook much of the wide variety of available fruits and vegetables. Juices will also be fresh and new to you when you incorporate untried items into them.
Include the skins and peels of fruits when you juice them. Massive amounts of nutrients, fiber and valuable antioxidants can be found in the peels and skins of various fruits. The peel of an apple is packed with tons of flavonoids, more so than the fruit itself. Orange and grapefruit are the most notable exceptions to the rule; you should not use peels from either of these fruits. The peels of oranges and grapefruits contain a potentially harmful substance, and they often contain high amounts of pesticides.
Do you drink the same smoothie every day? Search online or in cookbooks for some new, exciting and healthy smoothie recipes. It can be tiresome to drink the same juice day after day, so mix the recipes up!
One the tastiest and healthiest drinks you can have on a diet is fresh pineapple juice. Different berries and apples go well in a combination with pineapple too. To make the juice last longer, add in plenty of water. The most delicious way to consume pineapple juice is with some ice.
It is really quite simple to do, and adds many wonderful nutrients and vitamins to your diet. Our juicing tips and techniques will have you making juices like a pro very soon, and will help you to create the healthy juice you want.
NOTE: Please visit our juicing for health website for more tips and information

Friday, February 3, 2012


Juicing lets you get a lot of nutrition into your diet without eating tons of fruits and veggies. There are many health benefits to juicing. You can make juices in many ways, and using a wide variety of ingredients. Read the article below for some tips on juicing.
When you're trying to drop some excess weight, a fresh pineapple juice is a great thing to make with your juicer. Try adding apples and berries with the pineapple to create some excellent mixes. Putting in equal amounts of water and juice will reduce calories and give you more servings. Putting ice in your pineapple juice is a good option.
If you're going to be juicing with dark, leafy greens, throw some cucumber into the mix. While leafy greens are rich in nutrients, they don't make for the tastiest of juices. A bit of cucumber can add a light refreshing taste that will improve the flavor of the leafy greens. It also has a ton of nutrients in it, especially if you include the skin.
You should store your green leafy vegetables in air tight bags to keep them fresh prior to making juice. Wash and dry them thoroughly prior to putting them in the bags.
It's fine to prepare juice to store in the fridge, but you must take care to prevent it from turning a different color. No one wants to drink juice that has gone from a bright color to grey or brown. To prevent color change, simply add a few teaspoons of lemon juice into the juices you plan on storing in the fridge. The flavor will not be overwhelmed from the lemon and the juice will maintain that bright fresh look.
Keep the juicer out on your kitchen counter so that you see it every day. This will keep you more aware of it and the fact that you need to use it regularly. When your juicer is out where you can see it, you'll be more likely to use it regularly.
Add some freshly grated ginger to your juice for an amazing boost of flavor and health benefits. Ginger has a nice, unusual flavor and can help to cover up some of the more unpleasant juice tastes. Also, research has shown that ginger can help to reduce blood pressure, prevent atherosclerosis and have other cardiovascular benefits.
Savor the juice, and drink it slowly. Pay attention to all the different flavors by drinking juices slowly. Leave the juice in your mouth so that it can blend with your saliva, beginning the digestion process.
To get the most nutrients out of your juicing efforts, use greens like chard, parsley, kale, spinach and broccoli. The idea here is to use leafy greens not for their flavor, but for their health benefits. So use at least 50% leafy greens and then supplement other items for flavor. When you make juices primarily of fruit, they tend to be less healthy as they have much more sugar than those juices made with mostly greens.
Juicing from leafy greens are loaded with good nutrients, but unfortunately they often have an unpalatable taste. This is actually not true. Juice can be made tasty with the addition of many varieties of nutritious ingredients. Limes can make the juice sour; apples can make it sweeter.
Not only is juicing a fun activity, it is highly beneficial as well. The techniques you have read here will help you get the most from your juicing. Use the ideas in this article. As you begin experimenting with juicing, you'll be amazed at how much more healthy you feel.

NOTE: Please visit our juicing for health website for more tips and information